*** 濕婆神與濕婆神的崇拜者(下)
濕婆神總是穿很少很少的衣服,也沒有人知道祂吃什麼,沒有人知道祂有什麼願望或需求。一個很有音樂素養的人來到祂前面唱歌,祂欣然接受;一個魯莽的人在祂前面亂唱,祂也不介意。對祂而言這些都無所謂,祂不是那種音樂應是如何、每個音符都要正確、小心翼翼的那種人,祂不介意唱對或唱錯,祂是超越這些,祂是超越這些人類慣有的種種型式。祂是超越的,祂就是靈性(spirituality)本身,他是超越這些(表面的)東西。不論你是否是音樂家或藝術家或其他的人,祂都享受你的表演,祂是一個享受者。只要單純的、來自內心的演出,祂都會去享受,祂不是一個有制約的人,認為表演必須是現代的或應如何等等,祂沒有任何這些制約,祂不像那些注重型式細節、小心翼翼翼的人們。 ..... 假如你在心裡有任何的制約,那麼你不是一個濕婆神的虔誠崇拜者。(例如)穿著得體、像樣是重要的,但不應該有:"假如你不這樣穿,那就違反流行、違反什麼......"的條件制約.....。
( https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2017/11/
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在Shri Shivaratri Puja的談話2002-03-17。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
They behave in such a manner that they are not afraid of God,
they are not afraid of His own attention on them. Perhaps they don’t know that
they are under the attention of Shiva. He’s watching each and every person,
whether you are Australian, English or Indian. Whatever religion you may
follow, He’s watching them.
This is a thing one has to understand. And once you understand this, you will accept that you have to be good and dharmic people. ......
This is a thing one has to understand. And once you understand this, you will accept that you have to be good and dharmic people. ......
And to worship Him means to worship goodness. The goodness could
be compassion, could be love, could be forgiveness, anything. He likes only
good people, and He will protect only good people. ......
He destroys by many ways, by many ways. You can lose your
reputation, you can lose your health, you can lose your wealth, everything can
happen to you till you are completely finished and ..? ......
For example, Shiva is always with very few clothes, very few.
And what does he eat? No-one knows. What is his desires and what does he want?
No-one knows. A person with a great knowledge of music will sing before him,
He’s alright. Or even any madcap comes and sings, He’s alright. For Him it
doesn’t matter, He’s not meticulous about how the music is and what the notes
are, whether it is alright or not, no. He is beyond all these things. He is
beyond all these formalities that we have about everything, he is beyond. He is
spirituality itself, he is beyond all these things. Whether you are a musician
or you are an artist, whatever it is you are, He’ll enjoy. He’s the enjoyer,
and He’ll enjoy – whatever is simple, whatever is given with the heart, He’ll
enjoy. Whatever is expressed with the heart, He’ll enjoy. He is not a
conditioned person, that it should be modern, it should be such and such. He is
not conditioned. He doesn’t think that way like human beings who will sit down
and make a meticulous everything, does it fit into it or not. ...... If you
have any conditioning in your mind, then you are not a Shivabhakta. It’s all
right, you should dress up well, you should do this … but you should not have
conditioning that ‘If you don’t do that you are being out of cast, out of
fashion, out of this …’. ......
What is the fashion of Shiva, tell me. Has He any fashions?
Anything you give Him, He’s happy. Whatever you give Him, He eats that. He is
full of such appreciation because He is personified as Joy. He is peace and He
is joy. If you are worshippers of Shiva, then you should not have any
conditioning of any kind. ...... So, we should know that Shiva is the poorest
man, purest God. He doesn’t wear any alankaras, he doesn’t wear anything, just
he lives with his own body. Because he is nothing but embodiment of enjoyment,
nothing but complete form of enjoyment and joy.
So another quality of Shivabhakta* should be joy. You should be joyous about everything – whatever you see, whatever type of person you see. So the only way you can do, is give up human quality of criticism – to criticise others. Like if the English go into the Indian house, they say “We don’t like it.” “Yes, what, what you don’t like?” “We didn’t like the carpet.” ‘I don’t like it’ itself is against your Shakti. Then, if supposing an American goes to an English home, he’ll say, “I don’t like it.” It’s very common. All the people say “I don’t like it”, “I didn’t like that”. Who are you to say ‘I don’t like it’ or ‘I like it’. People don’t realise that by saying all these things, you are showing that you have no Shiva principle in you. ......
So another quality of Shivabhakta* should be joy. You should be joyous about everything – whatever you see, whatever type of person you see. So the only way you can do, is give up human quality of criticism – to criticise others. Like if the English go into the Indian house, they say “We don’t like it.” “Yes, what, what you don’t like?” “We didn’t like the carpet.” ‘I don’t like it’ itself is against your Shakti. Then, if supposing an American goes to an English home, he’ll say, “I don’t like it.” It’s very common. All the people say “I don’t like it”, “I didn’t like that”. Who are you to say ‘I don’t like it’ or ‘I like it’. People don’t realise that by saying all these things, you are showing that you have no Shiva principle in you. ......
Likes and dislikes are only for people who have limited vision.
You should learn to appreciate. Your power of appreciation will show how
spiritually you are endowed.