*** 對霎哈嘉新娘的談話 ***
註一:Shri Mataji 在其他許多談話中也明確說到:是不禁止離婚的,只要這個婚姻妨礙你靈性的昇進,或對你產生巨大的苦難,那麼你是可以離婚的。譯者只是原文照翻,但是似乎不宜對"會被驅逐出"這一句話給予太僵硬的解讀。
註二:江瑞凱翻譯自Shri Mataji在霎哈嘉婚禮前的談話2002-09-15。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
I’m very happy to see you all in such a beautiful dresses,
bridal dressesand also in a good mood to get married. You must keep up your
attitude – all right? You should be happy people, and try to keep your husbands
also happy. Your happiness can create happiness for the children.
Now one thing I want to warn you: not to tell your husband about
anything which was wrong in your past life. That’s not to be done, there’s no
need, because you are now Sahaja Yogis. You are changed people and whatever has
happened has happened, you need not talk about it or tell him anything about
it, but talk of the future and the present – all right? So, be sensible! It’s
your sensibility which is going to make a happy married life. If you become
insensible, there’s no wisdom, then marriages will fail.
Some girls, I’ve seen, dominate their husbands too much. There
is no need to dominate. If you love the husband that’s how the domination is,
is the best way is to love your husband, look after him, do whatever is needed,
because no use showing off that you are from a better society or a better
culture or a better family background. It’s only you who can show that you are
really a good person and your goodness will win him over.
So it’s only the wife who makes or spoils the marriage. And I
have to tell you very frankly that if you still have some doubts about your
marriage or if you are still thinking this was not a good match you should
withdraw now. And later on you should not go on finding faults with your
husband. See, men are men and women are women. Men cannot be women but, you can
make them understand that women are to be respected. All right, and how – that
you will have to see by your behaviour. If your behaviour is good, they’ll
respect you. But if your behaviour is childish or if your behaviour is aggressive,
no man can appreciate a woman who is aggressive and so you should not be
aggressive. Whatever he says you should agree and listen to him. Fundamental
things of course is there, but otherwise for small, small things, you should
not try to dominate your husband. It’s not a sign of a Sahaja Yogini. Sahaja
Yogini has to – with love and understanding and wisdom – has to win over the
husband and not by domination. This is one thing we should understand that many
marriages are broken because of domination.
Second thing is, you’re naturally attached to your parents,
attached to your family, attached to your country. But now, forget it! Be
attached to your husband’s family, husband and things around. Because if you
are attached to your family, you’ll still spoil the relationship. I’ve known
many couples being broken because of this.
There was a girl who was very much worried about her father,
because he’d lost the business and she made the whole life miserable. So the
husband disappeared and he wanted to do something else and she was left in the
lurch and she had to go to her father and then she realized how difficult it is
to live in father’s house.
So, it’s your house, it’s your home, it’s your husband. All
right, you don’t have to sort of go on searching another person or another
woman who will help you. It’s you who can help yourself. All right, because now
we have very bad experiences of some girls who have left their husband and come
away to their families with their children. Is the family going to look after
them all their lives? Who is going to look after them?
So use your brain and don’t try to show off that you are
something superior or something higher or you’re something more. Say something
you should be humble. The humble you are the better it is. Otherwise arrogance
doesn’t behove you. She doesn’t look nice, she looks like a horse
sometimes and looks like – I don’t know like what. So it is better to be humble
and to be kind and to be nice and to prove that you are a good natured person.
All right!
Second thing I have to tell you, because you are from the West.
So western women are very much money-oriented, even Indians have become like
that. They want a car, they want a house, they want this, they want that. You
shouldn’t want anything. You are going to supply to your husband, to your
family. You don’t need anything. That’s your beauty, that’s your decoration
that will beautify you. But if you go on hankering after “I want this, I want
that” there’s no end to it. Especially with western mind, they are very
money-oriented and have created such problems that I don’t know what to say to
So, second thing is that you should not be money-oriented, but
you should be love-oriented. Express your love by different things. By making
good food, by making a good bed for your husband, for organizing the house,
keeping everything nice. Because if the housewife is untidy the house will
remain untidy. It’s not the job of the husband to look after the house. You’ll
enjoy a very beautiful house and a very beautiful room, if you keep it
So you should enjoy all that. Enjoy doing everything for the
family. Especially for your husband. Little, little things can – you see – give
him pleasure and happiness. Because he’s so tired working in the office. Coming
home so tired and then you get after that person, is very wrong. So you must
change that attitude that we don’t want anything. You have everything, you are
Sahaja Yogis, you are absolutely satisfied. But if you go on demanding then
going to be very difficult I can tell you this much. ......
There’s nothing to suffer much, but understanding is required,
you see. Supposing, if you are wise and if something happens, take a very wise
attitude, balanced attitude, responsible attitude. Wife has to be much more responsible
than man as far as the family is concerned, children are concerned. But if you
are a hot tempered woman, God save you and save your husband. So, hot temper is
not suitable at all for any woman. If you are hot tempered you’ll start looking
old very soon. Very soon you will start looking old, and if you have ego, if
you think too much of yourself also same thing will happen. So, best thing is
to behave like a little girl who has come to husband’s house to love him, to
look after him and to mother him. You have to think that you are his mother and
he – sometimes they are foolish according to your judgement – doesn’t matter.
So, look after them just like your baby and be nice and sweet to them. All
And none of your family people are more important than your
husband. That is very important. For you now the most important thing your
husband. This is a Sahaja style of marriage. And you can have other marriages,
you can have ten marriages – that’s different, not in Sahaja Yoga. And once you
are divorced then we don’t marry you. We have given up, we tried that. Now we
don’t do that. Because it becomes a habit of divorcing your husband. Once you
are married you should be all married and if you want to divorce then know
before this thing that we’ll have nothing to do with you. And you’ll be thrown
away from Sahaja Yoga.
We want to have very good marriages and very good children. Also
the progeny, the future of children will be very good, if you are sensible,
wise, good and kind mothers. I’ve told you sufficiently. I hope you understand
that you are marrying in Sahaja Yoga. And you have to keep the prestige of
Sahaja Yoga, all right? You all promise that?
May God bless you!