2019年6月10日 星期一


*** 克服貪婪的三個方法 ***



在印度,有些人是非常的誠實。我家裡的僕人就從來不會偷任何東西,這是十分令人驚訝!為什麼?為什麼他們不會偷竊呢?因為他們安於他們的生活,他們()不想因偷竊而被關入監獄,他們不想改變他們目前的生活。他們根本不會想到偷竊這回事,他們根本不會去做這種事,為什麼?因為他們有羞恥心。在一些貧窮的百姓中,羞恥心(反而)有高度的發展。在他們的社群裡面,他們非常尊敬誠實的人,他們也都非常誠實,或許其中也有少數人不誠實,但是這種人是不被尊敬的,因為他們認為自我尊重(self-respect)是最重要的。這是很難想像的,他們甚至一天只吃一餐,可是對他們而言,自我尊重是比任何事都來得重要。所以如何對付這種毫無意義的貪婪呢? 第三個方案就是你的自我尊重。為什麼你要去偷竊呢?為什麼你要去擁有這些偷來的東西?或擁有那些屬於別人的東西呢?假如你的内裡有自我尊重的心,你就不會去碰觸不屬於你的東西,那些貧窮的僕人都做得到,為什麼更富裕的人們做不到呢?這是一種他們所擁有的更高階、更進化的心態,即他們的自我尊重遠比那些可能滿足貪婪之心的東西來得更重要!


註一江瑞凱摘譯Shri Mataji在錫呂俱毗羅 (Shri Kubera Puja,即財富之神) 談話2002-08-18JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

The only way to counter-balance is to become extremely generous. If you are extremely generous, greed will run away. That may be another way of doing it. Supposing you get something in your house and you think it is too much. Not to get rid of it, but just to think it’s too much, you should give it to someone. You just start thinking whom can you give and immediately you’ll remember, “Oh, that person doesn’t have this. Let me give him this.” And if you give him, he will be so thankful, so thankful and he’ll say all kinds of nice things to you, which normally nobody would say to you, nobody. And it’s surprising how joy giving it is, how people like your generosity.
So you have to be generous, just generous, not with yourself, but with others. As much as possible be generous. Generosity is very love giving, one of the expressions of your love. ......
Another thing is to get rid of greed; you should try to do some sort of a collective social work. Supposing you go to some place where lots of poor people are there, I tell you, your greed will just drop. Be amazed how these people are living, in what conditions. Why do I care for all the wealth and everything? That will be just shocking. ......
So the third solution for this kind of a nonsensical greed is your self-respect. Why should you steal? Why should you have anything that is stolen or why should you have anything that belongs to another person? If you have that self-respect within you, you won’t touch anything that is not yours. When the servants can do that, why not people who are not that badly off. It is a temperament of a higher level, I think, which they develop, where their self-respect is much more important than all kinds of other things that may satisfy their greed. One thing about greed is it is never satisfied. It is never satisfied. ...... But they want to have power because they want to have money and they get power with money. Can you imagine? Where are human beings? At what level? At what level of evolution they are? They are going round and round the circle of this money. This is Nabhi Chakra, which has to be improved, which gives you satisfaction.