*** 順服(下)------放下自我
這些自我很大的人更會為自己的行為辯護,有一次我對一位男士說:"你有過心肌梗塞,為什麼你現在還喝酒呢?為什麼你不戒酒?",他說:"那位叫 Kirloskar 的老人已九十幾歲,他也(天天)喝酒",我說:"你不是他,而且縱使他喝酒,他也沒有從酒獲得什麼益處","不,不,你看他如此棒,因為他喝酒,而且他如此成功","難道他是因為喝酒而成功嗎?",你看,他們連普通的推理判斷力都没有!
當我們談到昇進時,我們是在談一個更高層的生命。我們必須變成一個修行者(sanyasi),就像蓮花從池塘中冒出,但是没有任何水滴附着在其上,甚至蓮花的葉子上也没有任何水滴,我們必須就像這樣子。當然我們不必去穿修行人的衣服,而是要從内裏發展出一種抽離、無執(detached)的注意力,藉著這種注意力,我們可以立即看清楚自己内内外外的問題。..........要獲致這個,我們必須從内裏變成濕婆神(Shiva),即變成無執與抽離。濕婆神是完全的無執與抽離,你也必須如此。而且這種無執與抽離將帶給你和濕婆神相同的智慧。至高濕婆神(Sadashiva)只是靜觀太初之母(Adi Shakti)的工作,祂從未有任何的驕傲,祂也不會發展出任何自我。
當我們談到昇進時,我們是在談一個更高層的生命。我們必須變成一個修行者(sanyasi),就像蓮花從池塘中冒出,但是没有任何水滴附着在其上,甚至蓮花的葉子上也没有任何水滴,我們必須就像這樣子。當然我們不必去穿修行人的衣服,而是要從内裏發展出一種抽離、無執(detached)的注意力,藉著這種注意力,我們可以立即看清楚自己内内外外的問題。..........要獲致這個,我們必須從内裏變成濕婆神(Shiva),即變成無執與抽離。濕婆神是完全的無執與抽離,你也必須如此。而且這種無執與抽離將帶給你和濕婆神相同的智慧。至高濕婆神(Sadashiva)只是靜觀太初之母(Adi Shakti)的工作,祂從未有任何的驕傲,祂也不會發展出任何自我。
江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji在Mahashivaratri Puja的談話1994-03-14. JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正.
the other side of it is the ego part. Ego is very subtle stuff with human
beings. I don’t know how they gather it, but they do and some of them have such
a gullible ego that with the slightest thing it shoots off. And they get very
angry for small things or if they find somebody whom they can dominate, they
can dominate also that person. Now this ego when you start seeing it, you just
start laughing at yourself and think that, what’s wrong with me.
is not like conditioning which is coming from outside but ego is something that
comes from within. It can come from anything. Human beings have ego of all
kinds of nonsensical things. One day I met one lady and she was very proud and
was not even smiling. I said, “What’s the matter with this lady, what is she?”
So they told Me, “She knows how to make dolls that’s why she’s so proud.” I
said, “Eh, to make dolls, she’s so proud!” “Yes, you know, she can make dolls,
so she’s so proud.” I said, “What is there, anybody can make dolls, so what is
so great?” “No, but she thinks she is very great because she makes dolls.”
a man becomes stupid and stupid. That is first sign of a egoistical person. He
is so stupid that when you are talking to him, you just get flabbergasted that
without paying anything you have got a buffoon before you who is showing all
joke, jokes of his buffoonery. Is, eh, something very surprising, I mean, you
meet any egoistical person and you just watch him: “I did this, I am, I, I, I
you start seeing the person, what’s the matter, he’s not even ashamed to say
things that should not be said. Then it goes even to the sinful life they lead.
They lead a very sinful life, they fond of women, they drink and this and that.
Then they start boasting about that also: “I drank that day so much; I had five
women around me.” They start boasting of that also. So, for a egoistical man
there is nothing like shame. He’ll go on telling about his nonsensical things
and everybody will say ‘My God with whom are we talking?’
then, whatever they do they justify. I asked one fellow, “You had such a bad
heart attack why do you drink now, give up drinking.” He said, “But even this
person Kirloskar” – we have one in Poona who is now, I think, 95 – “he drinks”.
So I said, “You are not Kirloskar, and even if he drinks, what’s the use, what
is he gaining by that?” “No, no, you see he’s very good, because, see, he
drinks and he’s so successful.” “Is he successful without, because of
even ordinary reasoning is not there, ordinary reasoning. ........
this ego is spreading very much in modern times where they start saying, “I
like this, I don’t like this”. “What, what you don’t like?” “I don’t like this
kind of a sari, I don’t like this kind of clothes, I don’t like this.” But who
are you, you are not going to see yourself, others are going to see. So what
difference does it make whether you like it or not? But is very common with
young people, to talk like that “I like.” And this is a sign of complete
ego is not only, is, makes you stupid, you see all these days the way people
dress up and we find they are very stupid because “I like it, so what?”
Anything they like it, you know, if they want to walk on their heads “I like
it, what’s wrong?” All kinds of stupidity can be explained through ego. So
those who get Realization somehow or other, thank God, see it: This is my ego
talking. Then they start laughing at themselves, making fun of themselves: This
was my ego. ......
when we talk of ascent, we talk of a higher life. We have to become sanyasi
like the lotus that comes out of the pond and no water can stay on them. Even
the leaves of lotus, no water can stay on them. Just like that we have to
become. We don’t have to wear Sanyasis dresses, nothing of that. But from
inside, a kind of a detached attention is there which immediately locates the
problem, within you and without.
also in Sahaja Yoga, you know how to overcome that. It’s a very effective,
efficient system. But for that again, to achieve that you have to become Shiva
within, means detached. As Shiva is completely detached, you have to be
detached. And that detachment will give you the same wisdom as Shiva has. Shiva
sees, we should say, Sadashiva sees the work of Adi Shakti, silently. He
doesn’t get proud, he doesn’t develop a kind of a ego .........
this is his, the quality one has to understand, surrendering doesn’t mean
outside things to be surrendered. What is there, these are all stones, what are
you surrendering? Surrendering means cleansing yourself completely, getting
completely detached. Detachment is the only way you can rise.