2017年12月7日 星期四


*** 用你的注意力來改進你自己 ***

假如經由反省,你發現你仍然有一些久遠、幽微的荒誕習慣,它仍然糾纏著你。此時你不必發誓來除去它,你只需要靜觀它,觀看它將如何帶你走向毁滅之路,立即地,你將會放棄這壞習慣。你不必因擔心它,而對自己發誓將如何如何改進,因為現在的你已是 "samarth",它表示的是你(的注意力)現在已完全具有力量了(empowered)



註一:江瑞凱摘譯自錫呂瑪塔吉在生日普祭(Birthday Puja)的談話 1994-03-21JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹指正。

For example, if we find we still have… through our introspection we locate that we have these old, subtle, nonsensical things still hanging around us, we don’t have to vow for it. You have to just witness it, and the destructive path it is taking you to. Immediately you will give up. You don’t have to worry as to put a vow upon yourself, because now you are “samarth”, meaning now you are absolutely empowered.

Whatever you think is wrong, your attention itself on it will slowly, gradually remove the doubts about having those problems, those connections, conditions and ego that are lingering still. Definitely you will drop them. With your attention, it will run away.

Then you will realize that every day your attention is getting purified, getting powerful, getting compassionate. Normally, whatever reaction you have in your attention just disappears, and you start witnessing the whole thing, and your power of attention, through that witnessing force, acts and it works. It works not only on you, but on everything that surrounds you.