*** 純粹的知識 ***
有一天當我坐著的時候,我突然想到我應該打電話給紐約靜室的某人,我以前從未打電話到那裡,所以我先找到了電話號碼,然後打電話過去。我說 :"那個小孩(現在)狀況還好嗎?",當地負責人十分驚訝,因為正好發生有一個小孩掉到水裡面,而且在水中很久,那小孩身體內都充滿了水,甚至腦袋也充滿水。如大家所知的,那邊的醫生說這小孩恐怕無法救活了,縱使救活了,恐怕也不會恢復正常,因為腦中有太多水了。我只是告訴負責人說:"不用擔心!",我並不知道他的狀況,也沒有人告訴我任何事,我就是告訴他們:"不用擔心!這小男孩會完全恢復正常"。他們都十分訝異我如此說,不只是驚訝我如何得知有一個男孩掉入水中、陷入這種困境,他們也無法理解為何我說這個男孩會完全康復。結果這個男孩是康復了,完全康復了!他們對於我知道發生此事是十分驚訝,母親是如何知道當時正有一個男孩遭遇這麼大的災難呢?我要講的是:這就是所謂的"純粹的知識"(pure knowledge)。
我的注意力總是跟隨著你們,都放在你們身上。我如何知道各地發生的事呢?因為我的注意力是放在全世界,所以任何不幸的事情發生在你們身上,即發生了一些偏差意外時,我的注意力就會在那裡,立即我會知道某地有狀況發生了。我不知道我的注意力是如何到一個特定的地方,去使(人們的)日子更好過,去幫助需要幫助的人。我並未刻意去指揮這個注意力或去做什麼,但是這個注意力(本身)就有智慧 ,這智慧是無遠弗及,藉由這智慧,你會知道霎哈嘉裡這個人或組織發生了什麼問題。你就是這樣知道每一件事,這是不同於你(刻意)想去知道某事,你就是這樣自然知道,好像你是無所不在一樣。例如若你想打電話(去了解某事),你必須使用電話,但對我而言,我不必使用電話,我就是可以直接知道。這是來自一種完全純真的智慧(pure innocent wisdom),這種純真的智慧就像一個小孩,它可以指向任何地方,它可以溝通,它會知道發生了什麼事情。
註一 :請也參考如下相關文章:"關於能量測試(二)" (http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2018/08/vibration-milano-scientology-pure-bhoot.html);"導師與無思慮(之一) "(https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2017/07/guru-state-master-faculties-thoughtless.html)。
註二:譯者摘譯自Shri Mataji 在Navaratri
Puja的談話1998-09-27。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
One day,
you see, I was just sitting and I just thought that I should telephone somebody
in the ashram of New York. I never telephoned there [before]. So I found out
the phone number and we telephoned and I said “Is the child alright?“. So the leader there was
surprised, because that boy had fallen in the water and was in the water for
quite some time and he was all filled with water, even his brain was filled
with water. As usual, there were some doctors who said that he cannot survive
and even if he survives his brain has so much water that he cannot be normal.
So I just said that “Don’t
worry!” I didn’t know, nobody told me. “Don’t worry! The boy will be alright, completely“. So
they were surprised how I said so! Firstly, how I knew that the boy had fallen,
there was some boy like that. And then they did not know how I said he’ll be
alright. And he was alright, he’s perfectly alright. So they were surprised at
my knowing about it, how is it that Mother knows that there’s a boy who is so
sick? Here I will say that it is pure knowledge.
You see my attention is always around you people. Always dealing
with you. And how I know is this, that this attention of mine is global. So
anything happens to you, any upsetting thing takes place, any, I should say a
deviation takes place – my attention is there. Immediately I know there is
something wrong somewhere and I don’t know how my attention goes to particular
places which makes life better – it helps people in need. I don’t do anything
about this attention but this attention is the wisdom. The wisdom that spreads
all over. With that wisdom you know what’s wrong with another person or any
other organisation that is in Sahaja Yoga. Everything you come to know. If you
want to know, it’s different, it’s just you know. Like you spread out
everywhere. For example, if you have to telephone then you have to use the
telephone – but for me I don’t have to use the telephone, I just know.
So this has come from a pure innocent wisdom. The innocent
wisdom is just like a child, it is everywhere, and it communicates and it tells
what’s the matter, what the problem is.