2018年8月30日 星期四


*** 純粹的知識  ***

有一天當我坐著的時候,我突然想到我應該打電話給紐約靜室的某人,我以前從未打電話到那裡,所以我先找到了電話號碼,然後打電話過去。我說 "那個小孩(現在)狀況還好嗎?",當地負責人十分驚訝,因為正好發生有一個小孩掉到水裡面,而且在水中很久,那小孩身體內都充滿了水,甚至腦袋也充滿水。如大家所知的,那邊的醫生說這小孩恐怕無法救活了,縱使救活了,恐怕也不會恢復正常,因為腦中有太多水了。我只是告訴負責人說:"不用擔心!",我並不知道他的狀況,也沒有人告訴我任何事,我就是告訴他們:"不用擔心!這小男孩會完全恢復正常"。他們都十分訝異我如此說,不只是驚訝我如何得知有一個男孩掉入水中、陷入這種困境,他們也無法理解為何我說這個男孩會完全康復。結果這個男孩是康復了,完全康復了!他們對於我知道發生此事是十分驚訝,母親是如何知道當時正有一個男孩遭遇這麼大的災難呢?我要講的是:這就是所謂的"純粹的知識"(pure knowledge)

我的注意力總是跟隨著你們,都放在你們身上。我如何知道各地發生的事呢?因為我的注意力是放在全世界,所以任何不幸的事情發生在你們身上,即發生了一些偏差意外時,我的注意力就會在那裡,立即我會知道某地有狀況發生了。我不知道我的注意力是如何到一個特定的地方,去使(人們的)日子更好過,去幫助需要幫助的人。我並未刻意去指揮這個注意力或去做什麼,但是這個注意力(本身)就有智慧 ,這智慧是無遠弗及,藉由這智慧,你會知道霎哈嘉裡這個人或組織發生了什麼問題。你就是這樣知道每一件事,這是不同於你(刻意)想去知道某事,你就是這樣自然知道,好像你是無所不在一樣。例如若你想打電話(去了解某事),你必須使用電話,但對我而言,我不必使用電話,我就是可以直接知道。這是來自一種完全純真的智慧(pure innocent wisdom),這種純真的智慧就像一個小孩,它可以指向任何地方,它可以溝通,它會知道發生了什麼事情。

註一 :請也參考如下相關文章:"關於能量測試()" http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2018/08/vibration-milano-scientology-pure-bhoot.html);"導師與無思慮(之一) "https://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2017/07/guru-state-master-faculties-thoughtless.html)。
註二:譯者摘譯自Shri Mataji Navaratri Puja的談話1998-09-27JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

One day, you see, I was just sitting and I just thought that I should telephone somebody in the ashram of New York. I never telephoned there [before]. So I found out the phone number and we telephoned and I said “Is the child alright?“. So the leader there was surprised, because that boy had fallen in the water and was in the water for quite some time and he was all filled with water, even his brain was filled with water. As usual, there were some doctors who said that he cannot survive and even if he survives his brain has so much water that he cannot be normal. So I just said that “Don’t worry!” I didn’t know, nobody told me. “Don’t worry! The boy will be alright, completely“. So they were surprised how I said so! Firstly, how I knew that the boy had fallen, there was some boy like that. And then they did not know how I said he’ll be alright. And he was alright, he’s perfectly alright. So they were surprised at my knowing about it, how is it that Mother knows that there’s a boy who is so sick? Here I will say that it is pure knowledge.
You see my attention is always around you people. Always dealing with you. And how I know is this, that this attention of mine is global. So anything happens to you, any upsetting thing takes place, any, I should say a deviation takes place – my attention is there. Immediately I know there is something wrong somewhere and I don’t know how my attention goes to particular places which makes life better – it helps people in need. I don’t do anything about this attention but this attention is the wisdom. The wisdom that spreads all over. With that wisdom you know what’s wrong with another person or any other organisation that is in Sahaja Yoga. Everything you come to know. If you want to know, it’s different, it’s just you know. Like you spread out everywhere. For example, if you have to telephone then you have to use the telephone – but for me I don’t have to use the telephone, I just know.
So this has come from a pure innocent wisdom. The innocent wisdom is just like a child, it is everywhere, and it communicates and it tells what’s the matter, what the problem is.

2018年8月26日 星期日

第1類文章及網址------上帝(God Almighty),神聖的力量(Paramchaitanya),能量(Vibration)

1類文章及網址------上帝(God Almighty),神聖的力量(Paramchaitanya),能量(Vibration)

什麼都是可能的 -----一個上帝的故事

大梵之力(Brahma Shakti)

Shri Mataji 關於能量(Vibration)的一段談

無所不在的神聖力量( Chaitanya)

為何你會喪失力量( Power)

為什麼Shakti (力量)是最重要

過渡期(Krita Yuga, 或譯 "成就期")











精微的能量 (Vibration)  







"霎哈嘉靜坐中文翻譯" 分類及網址 說明

***  "霎哈嘉靜坐中文翻譯" 分類及網址  ***

截至2018827日本部落格已張貼過210Shri Mataji的談話譯文,譯者認為已包括母親常談的話題中的80%

為了讓大家更深入來了解母親的談話 ,將這些譯文分門別類,歸成如下19:

1.上帝(God Almighty),神聖的力量(Paramchaitanya),能量(Vibration)



















在往下的貼文會有各類別的文章及網址,讓大家可以就同一主題, 一次閱讀所有的相關談話, 對深入了解母親的真意應該有所幫助




2018年8月19日 星期日


*** 關於能量測試()  ***

比喻來說,假如(現在)有光,那麼你可以看見外物,所以是光給你知覺、給你視覺去看見東西。同樣地,當你得到啟發、得到自覺之後,這些能量(vibration)就開始流動,它猶如光一般,這個能量能讓你知道什麼東西是好的、什麼是不好的。例如你去某一個房子,(乍見之下)好像是一個美觀不錯的房子,讓你覺得十分滿意。但事實是如此嗎?它有好的能量嗎?或是壞的能量呢?那房子適合人居住嗎?像以前有些練習者告訴我,他們在Milano 找到一個很棒的房子,房租又便宜。我說為什麼如此便宜呢? 瞬間我感知到那個地點的能量,我說:"你們去現場感測過能量嗎?",於是他們去了現場,發覺手指都發熱像燃燒一般,他們才發覺山達基( Scientology,註一)在當地已有多年了。我告訴他們:"那個地方不適合你們去居住,你們應該去找一個非常純潔(pure)的地方,窮人的茅舍也比那房子好!"

所以你們必須常用能量感測去了解目前從事之事,(但是)這樣子做也可能產生誤導!例如有些練習者感測了能量,然後告訴我:"母親,我已經感測了能量,能量告訴我應該和這個男人結婚!",我說:"你有去感測(他的)能量嗎?""有!確實做了!我必須和他結婚!"。當我看到那個男士,(立刻)我看到他身上的眾多亡魂(bhoots),我心裡想:"我的天!那位女士是從他身上感測到什麼能量呢?",所以在她(想和那人結婚)的判斷中,包含了那些資訊呢?她並沒有感測到那位男士真正的輪穴狀況,她測到的並不是真正的資訊 (pure knowledge,或譯 "純粹的知識" )


所以你們雖然已是自覺的靈,但是你們應該知道,你身上還殘留什麼?你仍被那些想法、喜好所包圍?是那些偏好讓你覺得:"這是不錯的、這是好棒的,我們應該選擇它"?當你開始明瞭所謂真實狀況的能量是有完全不一樣的本質,你不再有這個人、這個家庭、這個國家等等的依戀、偏執 (attachment)時,即你沒有任何偏執時,此時你才可以感受到純粹的能量 (pure vibration)

許多人問我:"母親,為什麼我們(感測能量)時,有時會得到錯誤的答案呢?",其實不是你犯了錯,而是你的無明 (ignorance),即這些無明讓你沒有光、讓你處在黑暗中,所以你根據你的能量測試結果來行事,就掉入麻煩之中了。若你沒測到真正的狀況,獲得完全正確的資訊,那麼你會有麻煩的。有就像一個有很多灰塵、很骯髒的燈,你無法從它獲得光。同樣的,如果人的心不純淨,我特強調是心,那麼人就會做自己相信是對的,但是卻傷害自己和他人的事。



註一:Scientology非正式中文譯名包括 "科學神教" "科學教",創於1952,其最引人注目的是有不少知名的明星皆是信眾。


註三:請同時參考相關譯文:''關於能量測試()'' ( http://sahajataiwan.blogspot.com/2018/06/shri-mataji-absolute-truth-vibration-ego.html  )

註四:譯者摘譯自Shri Mataji Navaratri Puja的談話1998-09-27。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正

If you have the light you can see things. So when you see things, the light is there and light gives you the perception, gives you the vision to see things. In the same way, when you are enlightened, what happens is that these vibrations start flowing – just like the light, and in that light you can see things which are good and which are bad. But sometimes you put the same parameters as human beings do. Like you go to some house, a very nice house, a very good house – all these things make you very happy. But actually what about that house? Is it having good vibrations or is it having bad vibrations, is it worth living there or not?

Like the other day they told me that they can get a very nice place in Milano, a little beyond Milano, for rent, very cheap. I said “Why is it so cheap?“ Immediately I felt the vibrations of the place. I said “Did you go and see the vibrations of that place?“ They went and saw – it was all burning (on vibrations). They found out that there was Scientology there for years together. I said “That’s not the place where you can live“. You have to have a very pure place. Even the hut of a poor man would be better than this comfortable, so-called, place.

So one has to use the vibrations all the time to understand everything that you are doing. In that also it can be misleading. Some people feel the vibrations and they tell me “Mother, I’ve felt the vibrations and I’ve felt that I should marry this man”. I said  “Did you feel the vibrations – yes?“. “Yes I did, very much, and I must marry this man“. When I see the man, I see the bhoots in him – I said “My God! What sort of vibrations has this lady felt about him?

So in your judgement, what is there? There is no Pure Knowledge.    ...........

We don’t understand how our vibrations can mislead us. Because vibrations are there, alright. But sometimes, even if they are missing, just to justify yourself, you will say, “We have vibrations and we feel that it is very good, excellent!” And later on you will discover that it is not so.

So even now, when we are realised souls, you should know what is encompassing us, which is around us, what is that which makes us feel that, “It’s alright, it’s good we should have it“. Once we start understanding that: vibrations of  Pure Knowledge are of a very different nature, then you are not attached to that person, you are not attached to that family, you are not attached to that country – nothing. But what you feel is the pure vibrations coming to you. This is the point which is very confusing – when you say “My vibrations are good, I like those vibrations,” while you jump into the ocean of filth! Many people have asked Me “Mother, why is it sometimes we make mistakes?” You do not make mistakes, it’s your ignorance, which is darkness. And that’s why whenever you plunge into it you fall into trouble. So to understand that, our knowledge has to become completely clear.

Like in our house, supposing we have a lamp that’s dirty, you cannot get the light. In the same way if our heart is not clean, especially our heart, if it is not clean, then we start doing things which, by believing that it’s right, but [by] which we hurt ourselves or others.    ......

Now vibrations can be misleading, as I told you, or could be the quantity of vibrations can be less or more. There’s another way to see it, is to see for yourself, “Why do you want to do a particular thing?” Mental also – you can also use parameter of mental understanding. “Why do I want to do it?” “What is the gain for all the people?” If you start thinking from that angle, that: “What is the gain for others? What will they gain by this? Why should I do it?” You’ll be amazed, you will get the real picture of what you are doing.

So you must keep yourself all the time in a state where you witness yourself. You see yourself, that, “Why am I doing this? What is the purpose?” Sometimes this could be some conditioning, could be some sort of a psychological thing, could be anything. But if you start watching carefully, “Why I am doing it?” You’ll be amazed that your vibrations itself will start telling you on your fingertips.

But sometimes the vibrations are so superficially coming,  “Ah, I got vibrations!“, and this and that. For this reason I am saying again and again [that], though you are such a nice family of mine and we are all so much blessed and we have so much of knowledge with us, we should be very wise. There is no wisdom. If there is no wisdom, we can never understand what we are doing.

2018年8月16日 星期四


***** 創世紀   *****

說明:Shri Mataji 極少在談話中論及此課題,但在此談話中,卻淺顯地談到宇宙、生命的創造過程的一小段,這整個過程其實是很深奧難懂。這段譯文僅供大家淺嚐,請勿做太多的延伸與推論,有興趣者請直接去看 "太初之母的書" 那些章節對譯者而言像天書一樣,實非能力所及。


太初之母(Adi Shakti)第一個顯現是在左脈,即摩訶迦利(Mahakali)的顯現。她來到摩訶迦利體系,即左脈,在此處她創造了格涅沙(Ganesha),鍚呂格涅沙之所以被創造出來,是因為祂是純潔(purity)、祂是純真(innocence)與吉祥(auspiciousness),必須在創造宇宙(Universe)之前先創造這些。所以她做的第一件事是創造出錫呂格涅沙,然後她安住下來。之後她在大我(Virata)的身體中往上走,然後她繞道、在右脈往上走,在這裡她創造了所有的世界(Bhuranas)即一個宇宙有14個世界(註一)。她在右脈處創造了所有這些世界,之後她往上、再下降,先在頭部創造了所有輪穴(chakras,是指Adi chakras 太初輪穴)的寶座(pitas)然後再往下創造輪穴,這些輪穴是在大我的身體裡,然後她再安住下來成為昆達里尼(Kundalini),太初之母並不等同於昆達里尼,我們可以說昆達里尼只是太初之母的一小部分,太初之母的工作是遠超過昆達里尼的部分。我們稱昆達里尼是剩餘的能量(residual energy),即表示在經過(上述)這些歷程後,她成為昆達里尼。



註二:這本書在Shri Mataji 有生之年並未出版,這些章節極可能是被收錄在2013編纂出版的"太初之母的書"(The Book of Adi Shakti)中的前面幾章。

註三:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 太初之母普祭(Adi Shakti Puja)的談話1998-06-21 JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

The first thing She does is to – and in my book also, I have written down about it – but I would like to tell you – that her first, I should say, manifestation, is on the left hand side. That’s the Mahakali’s manifestation. So She comes on the Mahakali system, the left hand side. And that is where She created Ganesha. Shri Ganesha is created because he‘s purity, he’s innocence and auspisciousness. This had to be created before She created the Universe. So first thing She does is to create Shri Ganesha and She’s settled down. Then She goes up, of course in the body of the Virata, and then She goes round and goes up on the right hand side – in the other way and there She creates all the universes, as you call them, Bhuvanas [worlds]. One univers, there are 14 Bhuvanas, means, many, many universes make one Bhuvana. And She creates all these things on the right hand side. Then She goes up and then She descends down creating all the chakras – Adi chakras or the pitas.
She comes down, makes all these pitas and then She settled as the Kundalini. But Adi Shakti is not fully the Kundalini, we can say, the Kundalini is a part of it. The rest of the work is much more than this. So, although we call it the residual energy, means after going through all this journey, then She comes round and She goes as Kundalini. Because of this Kundalini and the chakras, She creates an area, which we call as the chakras in the body. Now first She creates these chakras in the head – we call them the pitas of the chakras. And then She comes down and creates these chakras, which are in the body of the virata.
Now, once this has happened, then She creates human beings. But not directly – through the evolutionary process, She goes through, and that’s how the evolution starts and then it starts developing from the minute, small little microscopic organisms in the water and then it starts evolving. So when She creates water, and She creates all the universes, She chooses this mother earth as the best place to play Her evolutionary process and there She makes this little microscopic thing. Of course I have written all about it and when my book will be released you can see that how first hydrogen, carbon and oxygen and all of these things were mixed up and how nitrogen comes into play and how a living process starts. All this I have done in another book that I am going to write now. I mean, I have mostly finished but there are some more chakras are to be dealt with.

2018年8月13日 星期一


***** 霎哈加練習者的問題  *****

說明:在此談話中,Shri Mataji也談了許多霎哈嘉練習者的問題,本譯文特別將此部分集中起來成為一篇。


當霎哈嘉瑜伽開始開展時,霎哈嘉練習者就直接接受到太初之母的祝福,但是我必須說,在我們這些練習者中,並沒有人達到讓我可以稱他們是非常完美成熟的 。有些人是霎哈嘉練習者,只是因為他們覺得這是一種流行(fashion) 即從他們的角度,或可說從他們自私的角度,他們覺得當霎哈嘉練習者可能比較好。這是非常錯誤的。假如你在霎哈嘉裡,你必須知道你現在對全世界是有責任的,(因為)你是唯一走在前端、唯一已獲得極可貴的覺醒的人,你的行為應該像一個聖人或自覺的靈。

但是有時候你發覺他們的行為令人驚訝,他們對自己或他人沒有任何尊重 ,他們的整個態度十分可笑。這當中有些人是金錢取向,有些人是權力取向,權力取向的人是比金錢取向的人來得更危險,因為那些權力取向的人會給霎哈嘉帶來很不好的名聲。這種人會羞辱人、非常有控制慾,是非常可怕的人 。他們的所有作為只為了在霎哈嘉獲取權力,而且他們會玩各式各樣的把戲來取得權力。

或許在短期間,他們似乎都很順利,但是一段時間之後,你就會發覺他們都從霎哈嘉領域中消失了,這是一個很大的清洗過程,它持續在進行中 。你必須了解你是來到了一個非常高意識的領域,在這裡你接觸到上天的力量(Divine),在這裡如果你的行為像普通人,其內在沒有神聖的靈性(divinity),那麼你可以繼續如此(胡作非為)多久呢?





註一:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 太初之母普祭(Adi Shakti Puja)的談話1998-06-21 JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

Once Sahaja Yoga has started, we have Sahaja Yogis who are now receiving the blessings of the Adi Shakti directly. But still, I must say, amongst Sahaja Yogis also, we don’t have people whom I would call as very well matured. They are Sahaja Yogis, some of them, are just because it’s a fashion, maybe it should be better from their angle, or from their selfish angle, or whatever it is. It is a very wrong thing. If you are in Sahaja Yoga, you must know now you are responsible for the whole world. You are the only people who have come forward, you are the only people who have achieved something and then, at this juncture, you should behave in a manner that behoves a big saint or a realized soul.
But sometimes you find they are behaving in such a manner, it is shocking sometimes. They have no respect for themselves or for others and their whole attitude is very funny. Some of them are money oriented, some of them are power oriented and those who are power oriented are more dangerous I think than money oriented. Because those who are power oriented try to bring such a bad name to Sahaja Yoga. They are very insulting, dominating and horrible people. Their whole attitude is to achieve power in Sahaja Yoga and they try all tricks to achieve that power.

But for sometime they look alright, but after some time you’ll find, they’ll all disappear from the field of Sahaja Yoga. It’s a very big cleansing process going on. You must understand that you have come in the field of very high consciousness where you are in contact with the divine. Now here if you behave like ordinary people who have no divinity within them, how long will you continue like this?   ...........

But in Sahaja Yoga, I have seen, people are rather shy. They don’t want to talk about Sahaja Yoga openly to others. Which is a very wrong thing you are doing, because you are responsible for this. You have been given Realization, of course you were seeking, everything is alright, but all of you must try to give Realization to others. 

I must say that, somehow, men have been more dynamic in working it out. The women in Sahaja Yoga are not yet coming up to that level as they should. They have to be more sensible about it and they have to work it out. They can do it, but the only trouble is I think they have certain minor problems about which they are worried.   ..........

But I would say that also, in Sahaja Yoga, I have found, there are all kinds of funny ideas growing here. Like certain rituals they’ll take up. Then they prescribe certain rituals, they’ll talk about it – a kind of a power orientation is there. They want to oppress others and they want to take over and frighten people and behave in such a manner that, as if they are very good. Some of them start saying that “Mataji said so, this is Mataji’s ideas”. By their own power-orientation they manufacture things and talk like that.  .........

We should not be lagging behind. For example, if you ask some Sahaja Yogis, especially Sahaja Yoginis, they don’t know much about Sahaja Yoga. They don’t know about chakras, they don’t know anything about the deities, nothing they know, how can they be Sahaja Yogis? You have to know all about it.  .........

But what I find about Sahaja Yogis, that once they start spreading Sahaja Yoga also, their ego comes up and they think they are great Sahaja Yogis, they are great leaders, all these kind of stupid ideas walk into their heads, which is wrong. You have to just think in a very humble manner. The more you have, the more you become humble. Like a tree, when it is laden with fruit, it bends down.