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Mataji 在錫呂克里希納普祭(Shri Krishna Puja)的談話1998-08-16。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
But witness state is not a mental state. It is a state of a
spiritual ascent where you become a witness. Best way to practice witness state
is not to criticize anyone. Not to criticize. I’ve seen people who are all the
time criticizing others. They cannot criticize themselves so they start
criticizing others so much so that they don’t even see what’s wrong with them. .........
In Sahaja Yoga, also, I have seen people want to show off a lot.
I know who does that. But they should know. Once you do not react to outside,
you start reacting to inside and introspection will start properly. When you
see yourself, you’ll be amazed how admiring you are, how happy you are. Now if
you go beyond that a little more, then you don’t think about these things, you
just become thoughtless and you just stand up as a person who is respected,
whose company is wanted, who is loved and who is cared for. So one should not
worry as to what people react, what they say about you, what they think about
you. You should just introspect and see for yourself. After some time you don’t
need even introspection. ........
So this power of witnessing you all should develop. Try to
develop it-that when you are reacting, stop reaction. Stop reaction about
everything. You’ll be amazed. You will find yourself a very, very powerful
perso-in the sense you’ll have no ambitions, you’ll have no desires, you’ll
have no special fondness or anything. But just you are witnessing the drama.
It’s very interesting to witness also. Because then you understand the humor
behind everything. You understand the stupidity behind everything. You
understand also how people have been so violent and you’ll just laugh at it.
You don’t get upset, excited, nothing. Just laugh at it. After some time you’ll
be amazed. Your witness state will increase. And when in the collective all of
you have that witness state, you can do wonders without doing anything, without
saying anything, without acting. Only your presence, itself, can work it out. I
don’t say that it will have effect on everyone. No, can’t say. But most of the
people.Any person who is in that state, he is the one who brings peace, he
brings joy. .......
But if you are very ambitious-even in Sahaja Yoga I have known
people who are very ambitious. They want to become leaders-I don’t know what
else. Actually it’s all a myth. All mythical things they want to get to and
worry their heads about mythical things. Once you learn how to witness, you’ll
know the myth. You will know the absurdity. You’ll know the maya. So to
overcome the problems of personality, the best thing is to witness. Practice
witnessing. Everything. Before talking, practice witnessing. Before giving any
comments, just start witnessing. It’s a very, very satisfying attitude. .......