*** 宇宙大我(二) ***
錫呂克里希納(Shri Krishna)是住在喉輪,當祂升至你的頂輪,升至此高度,祂變成宇宙大我(Virat),所以宇宙大我的輪穴是位在頭部,高於額輪的位置,這個宇宙大我是錫呂克里希納升至額輪之上的形式,當你升高超過額輪,你就變成宇宙大我領域的一部分。除非你在你的自我(ego)之上,否則你仍然和你自己牽扯在一起,和種種錯誤的份際(maryadas)的觀念牽扯在一起;但是當你升高超過這些,你變成宇宙大我,此時你就處在宇宙大我的領域之中。
宇宙大我的大能(power)是如此之大,它可以在世界各地發揮力量,例如你是坐在這邊,這力量可以在世界任何地方起作用。我看過許多例子,常有練習者告訴我:"母親,這是一個奇蹟,我的媽媽生病了,她不在這裡,我只是祈禱,她就變好了!",這就是宇宙大我的大能。這宇宙大能可以穿透人類的精微面,經由如此方式,我們可以和任何事物連結上。我們(其實)並不是分離的,如同每一小水滴都和海洋有連結,我們和整個宇宙是有連結的。當你變成宇宙大我的公民,此時所有和你連結的事物也會獲得你的能量(vibration)、你的想法、你的企圖.....,就是這樣傳遞過去,而且是會起作用的。在你生命中看到的許多奇蹟,都是來自宇宙大我的力量(Virata Shakti)的運作。
註二:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji宇宙大我普祭(Virata Puja)的談話1999-09-05。JSM
! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。
This was
the Divine Discretion of Shri Krishna, which is instilled within us, as you
know that this is a part and parcel of the Vishudhi Chakra, where Shri Krishna
But when he rises to your Sahastrara,
when he rises to that level, then he becomes Viraat.
So Viraata’s chakra is placed in the head here above the Agya. And this Viraat
is the form of Shri Krishna who has risen above the Agya. When you are risen
above the Agya, you become a part and parcel of Viraata’s land, we can say.
Because unless and until you are above your ego, you are still involved with
yourself, and with wrong ideas of maryadas. But when you rise above that and
you become the Viraat, the Great, then you are in the land of Viraata, and
Viraata’s powers are tremendous.
As has been seen by Arjuna, the form of Viraat. The power of Viraat becomes so
tremendous that it acts globally. It acts in such a manner that you sit here –
and anywhere it can act. I have seen that now. Many a times people say,
“Mother, it’s a miracle. My mother was sick and she was not here and I just
prayed and she got alright.”
This is all the power of Viraat.
The power of Viraat is that it can penetrate into the subtle side of human
beings in such a manner that we are connected with everything, we are not
separate, and every drop is connected with the ocean. We are connected with the
whole universe. And when you become citizens, I should say, of Viraat, then all
the things with which you are connected also get your vibrations, your ideas,
your ambitions – everything passes through that. And it works, it works. You
have seen how many miracles have taken place in your lives. It is the Viraata
Shakti that works.
Now for that we have to know how to worship Viraat.
First of all you have to rise above your ego. Very important. Otherwise how can
you worship? There is your ego standing in-between, and how can you rise up to
the point of Viraat? You have to pass through that. Once you are above your
ego, you enter into the Kingdom of Viraata. There the king is the Viraat and
you are the subjects who are looked after completely by Viraata Shakti, by the
power of Viraat.
But at that stage you become really a universal personality, in a way. Because
whatever are the problems universally, now not necessarily that they should be
attached to you or connected to you. Supposing a person is of that level. Now
there may be a war in some other country, it can stop. Somebody who is feeling
oppressed can win over. Anywhere your compassion moves, it works out. Wherever
your attention will go, it will work out. And sometimes you are surprised as to
“How it works, Mother, how these things work out, how these coincidences have
taken place?”
Only thing is, you have crossed that state of your ego and have
gone into the state of Viraat. Which is a very important thing to do, is to
enter into the area of Viraata. Then you don’t think this is your country, this
belongs to you, that belongs to you – this belonging business finishes off.
Then you belong to Viraat. And he uses you for his own purpose in the sense
that when your whole thinking is different, becomes global thinking, then he acts.
And then his powers are many-fold. .......
But at the level of Viraat, you don’t have to do all that. At
the level of Viraat people just see, they will know. Just they will watch you
and they will know. Just they will think you are human beings, and you are so
sweet, so good, just like gems shining all the time, so they will be impressed.
This comes through the Viraata’s blessings.
When you become that, then you forget about other things like
you have big positions or anything, or you come from a very rich family and all
that. All these nonsensical things which are actually not true. ...... But in the case of a person who rises
above his ego and is a part and parcel of that Viraata Shakti, enters into the
kingdom of Viraat, he knows he is very small. He is very small compared to
that, and he just dissolves into that Shakti.