2018年9月25日 星期二




從真我的知識 (Self knowledge)到真我的意識 (Self consciousness)



為何你會喪失力量( Power)



Shri Mataji,大堡礁,人



你必須當你自己的導師 (You have to be your own guru.)

走出 "母親如此說" 的枷








神的自覺(God's Realization)





















2018年9月20日 星期四


*** 五個元素()------相關的其他談話  ***

右邊又叫prana shakti,即生命力量 (註六),左邊是mana shakti (心理、情緒的力量)。這內在的右邊的生命力量,是經由五個元素展現出來,這五個元素是:土(earth)、水(water)、空氣(air)、光(light)及虛空(ether)。我們的身體(body,註七)是由五個元素所構成,這五個元素創造了五個像繭(cocoons)的東西圍繞在我們周圍,這就為什麼我們有五層光暈(auras),這五層光暈可以被某些儀器所偵測到,因為這些儀器是用來偵測物質(matter),它們只可以感測到右邊(屬於生命力量)的種種。這全部的物質是由這五種能量(energies,譯者:指五種元素)所形成的。這五個元素的背後亦有一個本質能量(causal energy, 或稱本質元素,causal element),其實是本質元素創造出元素,例如土元素(或稱土能量)的本質元素(或稱本質能量)是芬芳,從芬芳創造出土元素。我們内裡到這個位置的五個輪穴(註八)是由五個元素所構成(譯者:即每一個輪穴由一特定元素構成),這是指輪穴本身,至於駐在每個輪穴的神(Deities)也是從該元素所生出來的,所以祂們是由一個特定元素所生,每一位神祇會專注及侷限在這個特定元素相關的領域及知識。(1980-04-21)

這環繞著人的光暈(auras)是由七個輪穴發射出來的,它們其實是五個元素的本質(causal)的表現,即五個元素將其本質表現在外。假如你是處在中間、處在現在,你看到的人就是人本身;假如你跑到右邊去了,你可能就會看到本質,例如一個吃迷幻藥(LSD)而跑到右邊的人,他無法看見我(譯者:指Shri Mataji的身體),而是看到光。假如在得到自覺之前,你若可以看到我周圍的光暈,那麼你要小心了,因為那表示你有一些偏到右邊去了。至於那些很偏左邊的人,他們會看到我的前世的模樣,而不是我現在的樣子,這也是不好的,你必須就是看到我現在的樣子。當然你可以看到我現在的樣子,那表示你很正常,人必須先當一個正常的人。(1984-07-10)


耶穌基督是一位特殊的降世神衹,祂只是""( Aum,或叫Pranava,註九),是無所不在的神聖力量(All Pervading Power)的聲音。至於其他來到地球的降世神祇都有五個元素在其内裡,耶穌則只是一種力量、一種能量,耶穌完全是能量。他不像人類是由五個元素所構成,這五個元素都在右邊,當人死亡時,屬於土元素的那一層繭脱落了,然後屬於水元素的那一層也脫落了(註十),剩下的就是靈魂(soul)(Spirit)則跟在你(靈魂)的頭上,昆達里尼也在那裏。


註七:譯者:body 在此並非指肉身而已,也包括由五個元素所構成的輪穴等。

註八:譯者:應該是指喉輪()以下的五個輪穴,Amruta此談話只有音檔而無影像,無法看到Shri Mataji手所指的位置。

註九:Aum 也稱Omkara,符號是。唵是太初之母(Adi Shakti)從至高濕婆神(Sadashiva )分裂出來時,產生的第一個聲音,錫呂格涅沙(Shri Ganesha)即是唵的具體化(1990-12-25)。唵也是無所不在的神聖力量(Divine Power, Chaitanya, Vibration)

註十:Shri Mataji另有兩種稍不同的說法:一. 只有土元素那一層脫落(1987-05-04);二. 水元素只脫去一點點(1981-03-31)

註:江瑞凱摘譯自Shri Mataji 的談話。JSM ! 敬請霎哈嘉兄弟姊妹們指正。

The right side is called also as prana shakti, means the vital power of life. And the left side is called as mana shakti. Now, this prana shakti, which is on the right-hand side, the prana shakti within us comes to us through five elements. The five elements are, as you know, is, one of them is the earth, then we have got the water, then we have got the air, then we have got the light, and then we have got the ether. These five elements are there.

Out of these five elements our body is made. These five elements create five cacoons around us. And that’s how we have got five auras within us. These five auras can be detected by some machines because these machines are able to detect only the right side as they deal with matter. The whole of the matter is created by these five energies and they have also a causal energy behind it. And these causal energies actually make that.

For example: the causal energy of earth is fragrance. From the fragrance earth is created. Now, within us all these five centers that you see these are, these five up to here, are made of five elements. The body of those centres are made of – only the body-part, I am saying – of those five elements. And the Deities residing in those centers are also born from those five elements. Because they were born of a particular element, they concentrated more on that and maintained the knowledge more limited to that area, which dealt with that particular element. (1980-04-21)

The glow or aura is you see, we have seven we are made out of seven centres and they emit auras around us and they are actually the expression of the causal of all the five elements, so they express it outside, now what happens if you are in the centre, in the present, you see the person as he is, but if you are say on the right hand side, where the causal you can feel, say like persons who take LSD take it they move to the right hand side, so they just see the light of a person, like a person comes to me taking LSD. they cannot see me there are many who will tell you that and they just see the light here, nothing else but the light, you see, it’s like that, so if you see some dort of an aura around me before realisation then you have to be a little careful that means you are more on the right side but there are left sided people who are very extreme left sided, especially. I would say the Eastern people are left sided very much so they see me in my previous lives you see and they see me as something else than what I am, so that is also not good, you have to see me as I am now today, so when you see me as I am, that is this very normal and I would say you have to be a normal person first of all(1984-07-10)

SHRI MATAJI: The right-side supraconscious — attacks are like LSD. Right-side are all over elements, five elements. So you start seeing lights or hallucinations of… sea and all that, you feel you are becoming sea, you are becoming light, sort of nonsense. Many people who also see Me when they have taken LSD, they just see light, they don’t see Me. Some friends of Marie [translator] had that experience.(1980-02-22)

So they had to create this special Incarnation, which is nothing but Pranava, the Aum, the Logos as you call it, the sound of the All Pervading Power. To be put at a place where nothing but the power itself can remain, because anybody else, all other Incarnations who came on this Earth had all the five elements within them. But He was just the power, the energy, the complete energy. He didn’t have, for example we all human beings are made of five elements on the right hand side as I told you, and when we die the part that is our body, means one of the five koshas, as they call the cocoons of the body which is the matter, falls off. Then the water cocoon also falls off and the soul remains with the Spirit on your head and the Kundalini also there. But He was the only One who had no earth element in it. And so it was a very special type of an energy engulfed, engulfed into a human being was placed.(1981-10-06)

Shri Mataji: You see, after death you would never die. Actually only there are five elements you are made of, out of which the earth element really falls off and the other four elements remain. And the water oozes out a little, little like that, and you become a small entity, which is the Soul. The Soul has got the Kundalini on top of the head and the Spirit on top of the head and all the four elements are there intact.(1981-03-31)

only a personality like Christ, which is nothing but purity. There is no other element in Him but purity. All other Incarnations have all the five elements in it. He has nothing. He is nothing but pure vibrations. That’s why He could walk on the water, because there was no mass in His body, no matter in His body. No matter. No element, except for Chaitanya itself.(1990-12-25)

2018年9月16日 星期日



溶入喜樂之中(Merge into Joy)

擴大你的中脈( Expanding Your Sushumna Nadi)

太初靈量(Primordial Kundalini ) 與你的靈


你的昆達里尼(靈量) 的寶


昆達里尼(靈量) 上升的過





